Forgot to take a photo of the ODO right after purchase.  This is about 60 miles later

KC Bound

The Abarth’s first road trip comes the next day.  It’s a Kansas City Chiefs are at home this Sunday, and I’m a photographer for all their games.  Looks like rain today.

Forgot to take a photo of the ODO right after purchase.  This is about 60 miles later

Forgot to take a photo of the ODO right after purchase. This is about 60 miles later

Scorpion Intake 01

She’s Mine

Less than 24 hrs since first setting eyes on the Abarth, the papers were being signed. Time to make room in the stable garage. Just two of us at home. 5 vehicles. Sounds about right :)

Here she is up at Saylorville her first night home.

Abarth 03

Head in the clouds

Abarth 02

Dat ass

Abarth 01

Sittin tall. A bit too tall… She could use a drop :)